Car Parking Multiplayer latest version Achievements 2024
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When I was a beginner in Car Parking Multiplayer, I didn’t know anything about its achievements. I just started to play just for the sake of entertainment. Later, I learned that we can earn money, achieve achievements, and get rewards by completing challenges.
You can also earn money and can get achievements in the game. You can become a Marathon Runner, get King Rank, and always keep your cars clean.
That’s why we have gathered to guide you that CPM is not just gameplay but also a money-maker app.
How do you unlock car parking multiplayer achievements?
Here, we are going to unlock the car parking multiplayer achievements. Follow these steps, and you will be able to achieve your goals.
“Keep it clean” achievement
How can you keep your car clean quickly without any cheats or hacks? Here are some steps given.
Go to some area where you can make your car dirty. Rub your vehicle with a dirty wall for 7-10 seconds.
Then, go to a car wash service station near your location.
When you have washed your car one time, go back to the dirt spot.
Again, go to the service station and repeat the procedure 100 times.
After 100 times doing this, you will unlock the KEEP IT CLEAN achievement & Sell cars.
“MARATHON RUNNER” achievement
To get a Marathon Runner achievement, follow these steps.
Enter the world in city 1. Then, go to the Ferris Wheel area.
Park your car here. Make sure the driver’s side is in the middle.
Lock the vehicle if you are in the public server.
Now, start running towards the ramp.
Click on the map while running. Then, remove your finger for running. Your character will run without a finger.
Click X and let your character fall. It will respawn beside your car. Your character will run without clicking anything.
After all these steps, you will achieve your Marathon.
“KING RANK” achievement
To achieve King Rank, we are showing you some steps.
Person Travel distance
You must walk with your character for 100 kilometers.
Drive as fast as many speed raiders as possible.
Drift distance
Drift your car for a long time.
Fuel consumed
It would help if you filled up on a lot of fuel. It would be helpful to fill all your cars to the max.
Gift collected
Collect all your gifts that are waiting for you.
Tires burnt
It would help if you burned all the tires of your cars.
Do this for 3 minutes, and it will burn your car tires.
Go to the MENU and check whether you have burned all your tires.
Own cars
All you have to do is own all the cars in the game.
Exchange and trade cars
You have to exchange and trade cars.
Travel in a police car
Go onto MULTIPLAYER in a police car.
Fine players for overspeeding.
Taxi count
You have to complete TAXI jobs.
Get onto an ONLINE SERVER. You have to get into the player’s car as a passenger.
Repair your car
Make sure you have damaged your car.
Then, repair your car for 100 times.
Wash the car: Go to the dirty spot to make your car dirty, then wash your vehicle.
Off-road Mileage: Drive off-road for 100 kilometers.
Treasure collection
Collect 100 treasures in MULTIPLAYER to fill up the bar.
To do this, you have to earn money through BLOCK POSTS.
Own property: You have to own all houses and businesses.
Emotion count: You have to react 2000 times. However, using the AUTO clicker is much easier and faster.
Max drift distance
This step is almost similar to the first one. You have to drive your car.
After completing all these steps, you will achieve KING RANK.
Gifts location achievement
You have to collect all the gifts from the gift spots.
Almost 88 gifts are waiting for you. Out of which 21 gifts are in city 1.
Seven Gifts are in the Desert.
Twelve gifts are in Treck.
Two gifts in Home 1
11 gifts in Mountain.
Five gifts on off-road.
Twenty-two gifts in city 2.
Car parking multiplayer rewards
You can get rich in car parking multiplayer by just logging in. Click Daily Rewards and claim the gifts you will get every 24 hours. You can get over 200 coins and 135,000 in-game cash in two weeks. CPM gameplay offers you 88 gifts whose location has already been given above.
Car Parking Multiplayer mod apk achievements enhance the interest and curiosity of players, and they keep progressing in their parking and driving skills.
We hope that your problem is resolved. But still, if you have any queries, you can ask them in the comment section.